to the
North Schuylkill Elementary School
to the
North Schuylkill Elementary School
Nurses Office
Staffed by:
Lisa Trask RN, CSN, MSN
Michelle O'Hearn LPN
570-874-3661 ext. 3015
Fax: 570-874-2857
Our school has a health program designed to improve, protect and promote the health of each child. Our goal in the Nurses' Office is to provide a healthy learning environment for the children. In addition to providing emergency and sick care for your child, we provide yearly screenings and health counseling for various child and adolescent concerns. We are always here for you and your child. Please take a moment to review just a few of the ways that you can help ensure a healthy environment for students and staff.
Please DO NOT send your child to school sick. Always keep your child home with fever and/or vomiting is present. Temperatures should be normal (less than 100.0 degrees without fever-reducing medicine) for 24 hours before he or she returns to school.
Please notify the school nurse if your child develops a communicable disease or condition (chicken pox, head lice, impetigo, pink eye or ring worm).
Please make sure that children are dressed appropriately for the season and/or weather.
We look forward to a healthy and successful school year. Please feel free to call us at the school if you have any questions.